Saturday, 26 November 2011

SNSD - HAHAHA (English Lyrics)

I really love this song's meanings !

hey sweetie, hey sweetie. don't give it up
hey sweetie, hey sweetie, don't give it up
let's go

when it's tough, hahaha
everybody together, hahaha
laugh, yes yes, louder
hahahaha hahaha

today was another hard day
even when the world is noisy
if you just worry, nothing will get done
now, just shake everything off and stand up

if you open that door..

1,2. 1,2,3,4!

the main character on the skylight stage
that's us, it's you
i'm standing in the world
like a burning flame

when it's tough, hahaha
everybody together, hahaha
laugh, yes yes, louder
hahahaha hahaha

if you fall seven times, laugh eight times
even if nothing is working out
you can't just worry about it
now, stretch once, and try again

1,2. 1,2,3,4!

the main character on the skylight stage
that's us, it's you
i'm standing in the world
like a burning flame
the main character on the stage called life
that's us, it's you
i'm standing in the world

it makes you feel better when you laugh together
hahahahaha, like this
you can't just grin with only your eyes. laugh like me
hahahaha hahaha

hahahaha hahaha
laugh, yes yes, louder
hahahaha hahaha

when it's tough, hahaha
everybody together, hahaha
laugh, yes yes, louder
hahahaha hahaha

the main character on the skylight stage
that's us, it's you
i'm standing in the world
like a burning flame
the main character on the stage called life
that's us, it's you
i'm standing in the world

the main character on the skylight stage
that's us, it's you
i'm standing in the world
like a burning flame
(on the skylight stage)


Monday, 14 November 2011

Happy 20th Birthday !!


whooooo ~ ps
i'm the birthday girl today
14 november 1991, it was my born-day and i'm 20th now !
happy happy birthday to me
wish i have a long life, always happy, be a mature woman,
have a great architecture and design live,
and bla bla bla
*feels so silly*

Thank youu to my family, friend, dogs for this 20th years :)
yaahh ~
i'm older and i'll getting older day by day
wisdom, money, healthy
come come come

Happy Birthday VQ ~~
Happy Birthday VQ ~~
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday ~~
Happy Birthday VQ ~~

with love,
Victoria Cuaca

Friday, 11 November 2011


what's so special bout this day ??
i really dont get it
people keep write "11-11-11" on their messenger status or their tweets
i celebrate nothing on this day and dont receive any wedding invitation too
(although many people marry today)
but, so do i...
i write it to on my Blackberry Messenger
Teehee :3~

3 days before my Birthday
3 days to gettin my self ready to say goodbye to 19
3 days before my age is 20 !!
starting with 2!! O__O
i'm getting older and older
and now i'm craving for blueberry cheese cakeeee

today i change my blogger header too :3
still it has a 'weather' things
and i even didn't forget to put rain on it..
dunno why but rain really give me a huge influence
my design, my lifestyle, my assignment

and yes, even today is 11-11-11
it wont give me a magic to set me free from assignment
it just too muchh, really :(
i'm getting tired day by day
just try my best to survive and SPIRIT!!

i'm gonna love all the things that happend in my life
yaa yaa yaaa

Saturday, 22 October 2011

1st Anniv :)

1st year Anniversary
Gavin ~ vQ
"always together at any kind of weather"

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Shocking Singapore !

July 14-18th, 2011
here we goooooo................


Richard Rogers Architects Exhibition in URA
Lasalle College of Art Singapore


Bugis Road
Orchard Road
Singapore Museum
SOTA - School Of The Arts


Marina Bay Sands
Helix Bridge


Vivo City
Sentosa Island


Time to kick ourselves back into Jakarta 

Photographs : Gavin Gunawan

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


"Memories in a box of chocolate"

7th August, 2011

Himars birthday,
My family birthday

Himars regeneration,
My family regeneration

Himars Night invitation

The most memorable moment
we laugh together, cry together

Sunjaya Askaria
( The next Himars chairman 2011-2012 period)

Award for HIMARS 2009
from HIMARS 2008


Counting Vote for Next Himars Chairman 

dear HIMARS 2008 

Himars 2009 special performance for Himars 2008

we just wanna say thank you so much for what Himars 2008 have done
thanks for your patience, time, advice and energy
thanks for teaching us a lot of organization life and the meaning of family
we will always love all of you as a part of our family
Success to all of you ! 
Lot of bless from us for Himars 2008

just like our journey in himars
it's not always sweet, sometimes it's bitter
like a box of chocolate

                                      " This is not the end,
                                                     this is just the beginning "
                                                                                          -  HIMARS 2009 

Friday, 22 July 2011

Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?

Every one keep dreaming about their own fairytales
Good-looking prince, never ending happiness, etc
Sometimes the reality is about to destroy it
Whatever it is
I will make my own fairytales
I’ve found many mistakes
And I’ve ever failed to fulfill my dream too
But I still dream mine
try to make my own fairytale
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?

Thursday, 21 July 2011

stupidity yet incredible superb childhood

kalo flashback k fotofoto masa kecil ini rasanya HAHAHA bgt -.-a
serasa dibodohi orang tua
*padahal gw sendiri yg dulu pengen*
mulai dari lomba nari, lomba nyanyi, lomba fashion, sampe lomba paduan suara
belajar acting, belajar hulahoop,
dan pastinya
belajar GA TAU MALU
lengkap gara2 ikut Sanggar Sangrila beberapa tahun

dulu hobi banget yang namanya nari
isi acara entah dimana aja udah lupa
yang pasti mulai dari mal sampe TIM dan tempat lainnya

seneng juga ikutan lomba fashion
yang salah satunya lomba fashion sesame street di Mega Mall
(skrg namanya Pluit Village)
dulu pede bgt.. tiap ada lomba maunya ikut ikut dan ikutt !!
ngoleksi piala sampe banyak dan skrg jadi kaya rongsokan aja

ada juga lomba paduan suara di Hard Rock Cafe
ga menang sih
tapi seru dan have fun bangett
pas lomba itu kita diharuskan pake rok putih
berhubung gw ga ada rok putih, gw harus pake rok sekolah haha

banyak bangettt kejadian
mulai dari fashion show sama artisartis yang skrg uda terkenal dan sombong
menang lomba fashion baju renang + gaun pesta dan dpt beasiswa sekolah modelling
menang kuis gosip atau fakta dan dapet 1 juta rupiah + rice cooker
nari bareng sama artisartis cilik yang skrg kaya artis licik
operet actingacting yang perannya jadi ayam kelinci kambing atau apa lupa
dan lain lainn

kadang-kadang malu ngeliatnya dan ngingetnya
tapi kangen banget pengen lagi bisa kaya gitu
jadi anak-anak yang polos dan ga tau apa-apa selain have fun
banyak temen, gengsi nya ga ada, PD nya selangit
nambah ilmu, nambah aktivitas, jalan-jalan, lomba
semua semua semua nya

means a lot for me

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Life Lessons from your dog ! :)


love you
vio, cleo, piglet and lancy :)
all of you are my precious forever !

Sunday, 22 May 2011

bbQ !

setelah sekian lama ga ngumpul sama ANCIENT
akhirnya kita reunian lagii
kita bbQ-an di rumah Farich
sekalian rangka rayain ultah Rugee

when the ladies prepared the foods
and we're so hungrryyyyy

Some foods
saussage, shrimp, chicken, french fries, meat ball, etc

when our stomach was full
the ladies got crazy

  THIS IS 15 of US :)

Gave Ruge the Birthday Cake

mungkin keliatan di beberapa foto idung gw merah
kaya badut T.T
ituuu disebabkan gara2 digigit anjing Farich
anjing tekel yang entah knapa msih kecil aja galak
dan kenapa dia msti gigit di idung -.-

tapi gapapaa hehehe
kangen semuanyaaaaaa :)

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Eight Below



all of the husky and malamute in this movie was amazing
they're really human's best friends

Film ini ceritain gimanaa susah nya hidup para doggy ini
gimana kejamnya hidup disanaa sebagai anjing yang kerjanya narik kereta
with HIS grace and their intelligent,
they still survive
God is Good all the time !! :)

who said dog is stupidd??
i'll prove you it is not right when you watch this movie

Lebih sedih lagi karena film ini TRUE STORY
film yang cukup bisa bikin nangis dari awal sampe akhir

This is MAYA
She is a Team Leader
loveeee her very muchhhh 

This is MAX
he is the youngest dog in this film
so cute, so funny
but he is so clever :)
love him too 

here they aree :)
so cool , can't stand to see them

i suggest everyone to see this movie
dog lover or not
just watch thiss !
you can download this movie at indowebster or torrent with the subtitle !
don't ever miss this movie